Gold Paya :
According to Vedic Astrology, when Shani steps in the first, sixth or eleventh houses in your birth-chart, Shani will have much favorable impact on your prospects. Due to this positive fact, the foot of Shani is termed Shani's Paya of gold. In this planetary state of Shani, the native will get ample wealth, acquire material comforts and earn popularity
Silver Paya:
If Shani enters in the second, fifth or ninth Sign in your birth-chart , your fortune will be normal. This will the state of Shani's Silver Paya. In this state of Shani, you will not just earn money but problems and difficulties will remain miles away from you. And if you take all your activities sincerely, you might get desirable benefit.
Copper Paya:
If Shani in your birth-chart is in the third, seventh or tenth place, it will be Shani's third Paya. In this planetary state of Shani, your financial condition will be sound and strong. Since, you expenditure might be relatively much. The third Paya of Shani is of bronze (Tamba). In this planetary state of Shani, the native's prospects will be mixed. It means, the native will not just enjoy happiness and comforts, he may also have to face difficulties.
Iron Paya:
If Shani in the birth chart of a native is featured in the fourth , eighth or twelfth house, the native may have to tackle economic or financial problems. Since he might also face some health related ailments, if he takes certain necessary measures, he will be able to overcome all of them easily. This stage of Shani is called Shani's Iron Paya.
bahut acha kadam hai shani dev ji ki bhakti ki taraf..jai shani dev ji ki..